Lure Fishing
When lure fishing we use the lures to trick the fish, the fish sees this bright shiny thing bobbing and weaving through the water and thinks that it looks like an injured fish which is not able to escape from him and will probably taste nice.
This method of fishing has been about for a long time, some of the fishing lures that we use today were first made by craftsmen back at the turn of the 19th century and these were then copyed by manufacturers in bulk, to cover the growing demand from the many new fishermen.
There are many different types lures, with many different fishing methods for using them. The type and method that you use is controlled by the species of fish you are going after and where you are fishing.
The different types of fishing lure include: -
- spoons-
- plugs
- spinners
- spinnerbaits
- swimbaits
- flies (flies will be looked at in a different section)
These lures can be made from different materials, mainly;-
- metal
- plastic
- wood
- rubber
- cork
To attach to the line you can tie directly to the line with a fishing knot or attached to line using a snap (this is a quick release clip which is like a safety-pin). Snaps can be fitted with or without a swivel (the swivel allows the snap to spin in the water without getting the main line in a twist). If you are going after large predator fish like pike you will need to use a wire trace attached to the main line - this is because pike have sharp teeth and can bite through ordinary line. These things will be covered on the lure fishing tackle page
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